These are just some of the people who have helped us grow and continue to inspire us. Our community is made up of these people and many, many more.

Dublin Food Coop
This is where the fumbally seeds were sown. We ran the café at The Co-op for seven years when it was in Newmarket Square D8. We connected with organic food producers, learnt about working co-operatively and accepting diversity in all its forms. Dublin Food Co-op moved from Newmarket Square in 2019 to their new home in Kilmainham and continue to uphold cooperative values and sell organic and sustainable vegetarian food.

Dublin Flea Market
Aisling and Luca started the Dublin Flea Market in 2008 with their good friend Sharon Greene. Seeing the need for a second hand market in Dublin (of which there was none at the time) it grew into one of the most loved monthly events in the city. The Dublin Flea became a massive community of traders and punters, all giving another life and value to those things that we might have just thrown away if it wasn’t for the last Sunday of every month.

Harry’s Nut Butter
From playing around with some ingredients in the back of the Fumbally kitchen to being stocked in over 200 locations around the country. This was our first opportunity to support a staff member to grow and move into their passion in a whole new way. We’re mad about Harry’s Nut Butter. And about Harry. His story is definitely nowhere near being fully written.

Katie & Jasper / White Mausu
Two incredibly talented chefs and all round beautiful people who met in the Fumbally kitchen, fell in love, had a baby, created White Mausu and kind of changed the Irish food scene a bit. They have come and gone through our doors over the years in so many capacities that have given us so much, Katie even lived in the loft of The Stables once for six months. It’s a revolving door with these two, who knows where the exit is.

Dave Dunn
From meeting in The Food Co-op and working as one of our first Kitchen Porters, to becoming manager of The Stables and going on to train our staff, Dave Dunn is an incredibly skilled group facilitator and mentor in many ways to us. He has been there in the side lines at every step of the way.

Scéal Bakery
When Shane worked with us he was always trying to sneak some combination of flour and water into his weekly specials. Making bread was always going to be his burgeoning trajectory. As well as teaching us how to make our own bread at The Fumbally, Shane and Charlotte have been instrumental in bringing sourdough culture to Ireland, have taught many a workshop in The Stables and continue to sling their loaves out the hatch door on Thursdays and Saturdays

Shantanu Starick
What can happen when you invite a stranger into your home in exchange for taking a few photos….that was Shantanu during the pixel trade in 2016. What happened was a beautiful coming together of hearts and souls, many adventures, new friends from all over the world, nights on couches, photoshoots and videos and a tangible representation of what good hospitality gives back to you.

McNallys Family Farm
One of the first local growers that we connected in with and still one of the best – the McNallys have been growing organically in N. Dublin for over 20 years. And it really is a family affair. They’re year round consistency and dedication to their land is a model to be cherished.

Tony Louth
Tony has been collecting our coffee grounds and other food waste from the café for over five years and turning it into nutrient rich compost. He started outbuilding a mountain of brown gold in the NCAD community garden off Thomas St and now continues to do the same  from his land in Lusk N. Dublin (with access to endless supplies of washed up seaweed). We’re lucky to be able to use this compost in the fumbally garden, to grow our own food and close the loop.

Warrenmount Canteen
The Fumbally took on the task of running the school canteen in Warrenmount Presentation School for two years. An incredibly challenging yet rewarding experience that kept us on our toes and showed us the realities of feeding teenagers every day. School food in Ireland is not something to be overly proud of and we went in looking to change that paradigm

Gubbeen are family in more ways than one. A huge inspiration for us starting out, and a shining example of how Irish farming has so much potential in artisan food production. There will always be some element of Gubbeen on our menus at the café.

Rossa has worked with us since our festival days, in every position from delivery driver to barista to manager. He and his wife Nadja now have a small urban farm in Glasnevin and continue to inspire us with their simple way of living and  love of the finer details. Their produce sits proudly among our local organic growers in the shop.

One of the most unique cookery schools in the world. And one of the biggest food families. There is an alignment between us and these East cork folks that goes beyond the chefs that seems to always flow from there to here. Maybe its the fact that every time we turn up, there is always a table of people with some sort of meal about to be shared that you are invited to join.

Harrison Gardner
AKA Bomboro Studios – Harrison came to us through Shantanu, a similarly wandering Aussie with a world view and an open heart and also never really left…like Shantanu. He’s a builder, a vision holder, a creator and a yes you can man if ever there was one.

Solas Project
One of the great social enterprises in Dublin 8 creating employment, up-skilling and mentoring young people aged 16 – 23. We’re particularly fond of the hand turned wooden bowls made by local lads, you’ll find them on the shelves of the gift section in the shop.

First Draft
Ger and Rashel changed how we see and drink coffee in The Fumbally and First Draft Coffee was birthed within the walls of The Stables. Both are still tremendously in our hearts, even though neither are around Dublin much anymore.

People of Dublin 8
All you regulars… the businesses that have come and gone from the lane over the years, the artists from the studios that are no more, neighbours, visitors, dogs… you all make this place

The Fumbally 2024